Mission: Organization
For the past week my roommate Jess and I have been on a purging kick. I LOVE to have a spring/summer/fall/winter cleaning extravaganza! I get in these moods where I just have to find more to get rid of and declutter my life. I actually look around all the time and say, "what can I get rid of?!" Being in my place you'd probably wonder what it is we've lost because there certainly are no bare spaces, but still! You know how it goes with all the drawers and cupboards and nooks and crannies. Those are the places where everything tends to get shoved and piled up. It felt AMAZING to not only see bags and boxes of things to give to Goodwill but also to get the chance to make the small spaces more functional. We bought all the little organizational containers and boxes at The Dollar Store, so costs were minimal!

The upper hall closet. We are very limited to any closet space (and have nothing vertical), so we feel so good to have made some extra empty space! This is where all our toiletries, towels and sheets live. Not glamorous, but functional!

This drawer is for all of our extra little things that don't really fit in anywhere. You know, cat toys, glow gloves (essential), extra candles and Kleenex for the main living space.

What home would be complete without a good wrapping paper/tissue paper/gift bag drawer?

Do you all have a crazy amount of tape and batteries and pens and all office supplies? We use them all the time, so we need them handy.

A proper tool drawer.

A little $3 basket from Target that a friend gave me with a gift makes even tampons cute!

Jess repurposed toilet paper rolls and paper towel rolls and wrapped them with gift wrap to make our Ziplock baggy storage more palatable! We'll be getting a label maker soon too!